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The history of the most Super Bowl appearances without a victory | Sporting News How many NFL teams have never won a championship?


The Chiefs and Eagles have not only been on this stage before, but have won a Super Bowl in the last six years. 

Super Bowl 57 will be Kansas City's fifth appearance, with two wins under their belt, while Philadelphia is making its fourth appearance and aiming for championship No. 2. 

Most NFL teams haven't been so fortunate, though. Twelve franchises have never won a Super Bowl, and four of them have yet to even play in the big game throughout their history.

Below is a list of NFL teams without a Super Bowl win. Read on to find out who has won the most Super Bowls by franchise and by player.

How many NFL teams have never won a Super Bowl?

VIDEO: NFL All Super Bowl Winners (1967 - 2023)
Sports Data
Team # of Super Bowl appearances Last Super Bowl appearance
Minnesota Vikings 4 1977
Buffalo Bills 4 1994
Cincinnati Bengals 3 2022
Atlanta Falcons 2 2017
Carolina Panthers 2 2016
Arizona Cardinals 1 2009
Tennessee Titans 1 2000
Los Angeles Chargers 1 1995
Cleveland Browns 0 N/A
Detroit Lions 0 N/A
Jacksonville Jaguars 0 N/A
Houston Texans 0 N/A

Most Super Bowl appearances without a win

VIDEO: The 12 NFL Teams That Have Never Won the Super Bowl

The Vikings and Bills have each appeared four times in the Super Bowl without a victory to their name. The Vikings' most recent appearance came in 1977, although they have appeared in the conference championship game six times since.

Buffalo's four Super Bowl appearances all came in consecutive years from 1991-94. The Bills have won just one playoff game since. 

Which teams have never been in the Super Bowl?

VIDEO: Predicting the Next 5 Super Bowl Champs 🏆
Andrew Fenichel

Four NFL teams — the Browns, Lions, Jaguars, and Texans — have never appeared in the Super Bowl. The Lions and Browns both won championships prior to the NFL merger in 1966. Jacksonville and Houston have only been around since 1995 and 2002, respectively, and are the league's two newest expansion teams. 



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